Monday, November 11, 2013

Social + Hotspot= 2 things that make our life a whole lot easier!

UE Marketing Agency Presents
UE Social WiFi

Social before...?

It seems now a day that everyone appears to have a monopoly on terms and their definitions...but let's take a quick glance back for a minute...remember when social meant spend time with those you cared about...catching up on this or that...let's all meet...maybe this may be before you time oopsy!  I remember calling friends on the phone (which means land line) and coordinating who what when and where...

Social now...?

There are many definitions by the quote or unquote EXPERTS (I know I'm one of them...) out there and  if one veers off by a tiny fracture you could be spanked...but I simply think Social now is the place our connections gather online to share what is, what has been, and what is planned...a place of recording in the now...and we influence one another because we TRUST each other...

Hotspot before...?

This was a place not to sit because something polar opposite of cold had been placed (*smile)

Hotspot now...?

A place of gathering (WiFi) in a specific location.  An added benefit offered by the businesses you frequent...OR if your the business owner this is the gift you provide those who frequent your business.

Benefits of Social + Mobile

For the business owner

  1. Grow your customer database
  2. Create real relationships with your clients & customers 
  3. Robust Analytics (with our company of course)

For the client & customer

  1. Encrypted secure browsing
  2. No repeat sign in at your favorite free wifi location (that uses our hotspots)
  3. Social engagement through Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Google+
The truth of the matters this...we all want to know before going to a place..."Do they have free WiFi?"  It determines if we will go and how long we are willing to stay...we want to eat where we can work and work where we can eat...We want to share our feelings with ease and quickly and not wait until we get back home when the point is neither valid anymore nor on our minds...the question I'd like to leave you with is this...where are some places you want to see free wifi that isn't already set up?  Place your answers in the comment section...

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UE Marketing Agency new offer is UE Social WiFi

The place to build relationships with your local customers and clients one connection at a time! 202.670.0734


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