Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Enhancing, Expanding, & Experiencing through Written Examination

Enhancing, Expanding, & Experiencing through Written Examination

Its Time to Work from Inside Out!

There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book.–Josh Jameson

Hello there...
I know you have a busy schedule but I wanted to speak with you about "2015"  Now you may say it's not here yet :) I understand but wanted to talk to you about your eyes, ears, and heart.  Many are in the pursuit of something or another; but are you able to achieve it without opening space for that goal being reached?  One of the things that has supported me as a business woman simply is reading.  I want to offer you the opportunity to enhance, expand, and experience the life you desire through written examination.  Reading the opposite of my beliefs, faith, and vision has strengthened me in every area of my life.  I've experienced a plethora of emotions spanning from anger, doubt, pessimism and sheer joy to note a few.  I figure it was time to put together a "New Book Club" So this is where you come in...If this sounds interesting to you or sparks a reaction or even the slightest grin click the link below and take a minute and READ our interest page.  I haven't even decided the name as of yet, even forming a R & D group for this.  So if this makes any sense to you at all.  Join me today!