Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Enhancing, Expanding, & Experiencing through Written Examination

Enhancing, Expanding, & Experiencing through Written Examination

Its Time to Work from Inside Out!

There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book.–Josh Jameson

Hello there...
I know you have a busy schedule but I wanted to speak with you about "2015"  Now you may say it's not here yet :) I understand but wanted to talk to you about your eyes, ears, and heart.  Many are in the pursuit of something or another; but are you able to achieve it without opening space for that goal being reached?  One of the things that has supported me as a business woman simply is reading.  I want to offer you the opportunity to enhance, expand, and experience the life you desire through written examination.  Reading the opposite of my beliefs, faith, and vision has strengthened me in every area of my life.  I've experienced a plethora of emotions spanning from anger, doubt, pessimism and sheer joy to note a few.  I figure it was time to put together a "New Book Club" So this is where you come in...If this sounds interesting to you or sparks a reaction or even the slightest grin click the link below and take a minute and READ our interest page.  I haven't even decided the name as of yet, even forming a R & D group for this.  So if this makes any sense to you at all.  Join me today!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Establishing an Optimal Marketing Budget to Drive Growth and Beat the Competition an Optimal Marketing Budget to Drive Growth and Beat the Competition
Developing a dynamic and cohesive marketing strategy has become essential for businesses that want to profit in today’s competitive marketplace. While some business owners believe that they don’t need to implement strong digital marketing strategies to be successful, their customers are increasingly turning to the Internet to inform their purchase decisions.

Several trends are shaping the direction of digital marketing in 2014 and beyond; aside from increasing mobile adoption (which is fueling the growth of m-commerce), an increasing number of consumers are becoming multi-platform users. Multi-platform users are consumers who use both mobile and desktop devices to consume digital media. According to comScore’s “2014 U.S. Digital Future in Focus,” multi-platform users became the majority of digital media consumers in the United States in April 2013, representing 56% of digital media consumers.

Meanwhile, the growth and influence of social media websites—such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn—have transformed strategic social media marketing, turning it into a vital and lucrative aspect of digital marketing. Consequentially, many of the largest companies are evolving enterprise class social media marketing platforms and infrastructure to help them consolidate their social media marketing campaigns.

Different B2B, B2C, and mixed B2B and B2C companies understand that if they want to expand their brands, increase their sales, and grow their businesses quickly, they need to invest money into their digital marketing efforts. Both your prospects and existing customers have moved online, where they’re actively searching for different products and services, and are reading the recommendations of friends and other consumers. Businesses that aren’t visible in the online world will lose out to savvier businesses that have increased the focus and intensity of their digital marketing efforts.

Your Competitors are Increasing their Overall Marketing Budgets

The latest reports indicate that more marketers are increasing their overall marketing budgets in 2014 than maintaining or decreasing their overall marketing budgets. According to the fifth annual Marketing Budgets Report, which was published by Econsultancy and sponsored by Responsys, 60% of client-side respondents say their companies are increasing their overall marketing budgets in 2014—which is significantly higher compared to 54% in 2013 and 45% in 2012.

The same report stated that 34% of client-side respondents say their companies are maintaining the same overall marketing budgets for 2014, while only 6% of client-side respondents say their companies are decreasing their overall marketing budgets for 2014.

Forty-four percent of supply-side respondents say their clients are increasing their overall marketing budgets in 2014—up from 39% in 2013 and 30% in 2012. As for digital marketing budgets, the number of companies increasing their spending has been remarkably consistent since 2009, and is 71% this year. Digital budgets have largely been insulated from spending cuts as more companies focus on their digital channels to drive business growth, as well as leads and sales conversions.

Meanwhile, only 20% of companies are planning to increase their traditional (offline) marketing budgets in 2014, with 55% of companies planning to keep their traditional (offline) marketing budgets the same over the next year.

As for the average increase in overall marketing budgets, the fifth annual Marketing Budgets Report stated that companies will be increasing their overall marketing budgets by an average of 26% in 2014. Meanwhile, approximately three in every four companies (73%) stated that they will be increasing their budgets by up to 30% this year.

Budget Allocation across Digital Marketing Channels

When it comes to budget allocation, the lion’s share of budget increases will go to content marketing, followed by SEO and mobile marketing for acquisition in 2014. According to the fifth annual Marketing Budgets Report, 74% of client-side responding companies stated they will be increasing their content marketing budgets in 2014, 63% stated they will be increasing their search engine optimization budgets in 2014, and 63% stated they will be increasing their mobile marketing budgets in 2014.

On the other hand, the digital channels marketers will most likely be decreasing their expenditure in 2014 are paid search and online display advertising for acquisition/engagement. Meanwhile, the majority of supply-side respondents stated that their clients are planning to increase their budgets in content marketing (80%), mobile marketing for acquisition (67%), and mobile marketing for engagement/retention (61%) in 2014.

According to Gartner's Digital Marketing Spending Survey, overall expenditure for digital advertising will grow in 2014 as brands, ad agencies, and publishers invest in diversified channels in order to deliver more relevant advertising to target audiences. The use of programmatic media, which allows marketers to target their desired audience and automate bidding rules for ads based on the business value they deliver, is a major impetus for this growth.

Content Marketing Expenditure is on the Rise for B2C and B2B Marketers

High-quality content will become increasingly vital to the success of businesses in 2014, as consumers use search engines to look for products and services, and find the answers to their queries. Leads on the lookout for particular products and services use the Internet as their first port of call; they check out business websites and social media profiles, and sign up for newsletters to get more valuable information.

According to the Content Marketing Institute’s “B2C Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends” report, 90% of B2C marketers are using content marketing this year, compared with 86% last year. Furthermore, 60% of B2C marketers are planning to increase their content marketing budget over the next 12 monthsOf this percentage, 15% are planning to significantly increase their content marketing budgets over the next 12 months. 

As for B2B marketers, according to the Content Marketing Institute’s “B2B Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends” report, 93% of B2B marketers are using content marketing in 2014, compared with 91% last year. 58% of B2B marketers are planning to increase their content marketing budget over the next 12 months, while more B2B marketers are planning to increase their content marketing budgets in 2014, compared with last year (54%).

The Content Marketing Institute’s report also stated that all B2B marketers are planning to increase their content marketing spending at similar rates—even marketers who rate themselves as “least effective”. Meanwhile, more small companies (with 10-99 employees) than large companies (with 1,000 or more employees) are planning to increase their content marketing budgets over the next 12 months (60% versus 52%).

Marketers are Focusing on Acquisition Rather than Engagement/Retention Marketing

According to the fifth annual Marketing Budgets Report, 34% of client-side respondents said they were investing more in acquisition marketing rather than engagement/retention marketing in 2014. This percentage is slightly higher than in 2013, when 31% of client-side respondents said they were investing more in acquisition rather than engagement/retention marketing. This modest boost in acquisition marketing can be partially attributed to the more positive economic climate and the corresponding increase in marketing budgets.  Only 18% of client-side respondents said they were investing more in engagement/retention marketing rather than acquisition marketing in 2014. This was a slight drop from 2013, when 24% of client-side respondents said they were investing more in engagement/retention marketing rather than acquisition marketing.

Adjust your Marketing Budget Accordingly to Industry Growth to Fuel your own Growth

Businesses that want to expand their brands, increase their sales, and grow their businesses quickly will need to calibrate their marketing budgets accordingly to meet these goals. The majority of your competitors are increasing their overall marketing budgets, especially in digital channels like content marketing, search engine optimization, mobile marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing.

Unfortunately, doing exactly what your competitors are doing won’t be enough. If you want to surpass your competitors, you’ll need to hire a professional digital marketing agency with a proven track record of success and years of experience. In other words, you should hire us!

We’ll help you identify the ideal marketing budget for your organization in order to drive your marketing objectives and business goals. By establishing an optimal marketing budget, your business will become more competitive and profitable in an increasingly cutthroat marketplace.

We’ll also develop a dynamic marketing strategy for your business that will drive growth, boost your profits, expand your brand online, and increase your leads and sales conversions.

Contact our professional digital marketing agency, and get first-rate consultation and digital marketing services from the experts.

Call us now 202.670.0734, or send us an email to sign up with us today and take your business to new heights!  

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Original Computer...Our Mind!

Happy New Year to You, your Family, and Business Teams!

The Original Computer...Our Mind...

Here we are again...can you believe it?  Another year and an opportunity to do and make it happen...for some its starting over, for others its pushing through, for a few its continuing and manifesting desired results...

The Greatest Computer of all times is YOUR MIND...

I know we are all connected to the internet, and mobile marketing, SMS text messaging marketing, business apps, smartphones, tablets and the like...(after all is my company's website....and I'm a proud lady app developer etc. etc. etc. but when I want to just deal with things and work through them I sit quietly and allow myself to be still and just listen to what my inner desires are telling me...I call it stripping to bear minimum to remember who we truly are.  I understand the to do list and the rush to completion which often in and of itself is a form of laziness through automation.  When I feel the need to do this I gift myself with the best keeper of the grail...

That's right pen & paper...this is where I allow my heart to speak about any and every issue the digital world has caused me to become clogged up due to processing and building automated systems...Returning to the way it was allows me to touch in and touch up...What is the good ole paper and pen good for?
  1. Ideas connected to my feelings- some times you can become so in grossed with getting things done that are in relation to completing the task at hand online or the project at hand through your tablets you forget to tap in on YOU...
  2. Flushing out ideas-  the feeling of hand to paper and pen gives your human operations a chance to flow...I love my macbook pro and HP Beats but I can't touch my writing on those devices...
What do you need to work out before the New Year really get's started?
  • Are there things that no longer serve your purpose that you can let go? Write it down...
  • Are you giving enough time to complete task at hand or can you afford to adjust it? Write that down...
  • What in the past year you spent time thinking about?  This year can it be implemented? Write it down...
  • Is there anything else?  Write it down! 
I know I have and will continue to do until I have it all worked out.  You are worth time and effort this year...Happy New Year to you and yours a courtesy could you be so kind as to help me with the goals I've written of which is to start a personal blog...go here and answer a few questions to assist me thank you in advanced...Take our PopSurvey! 

Find me & my companies on twitter @uec, @devinehealth, @jesuewalker, @walkinginward
Find me on FB jesuewalker uemarketing ultimate emergence devinehealth walkinginward

Monday, November 11, 2013

Social + Hotspot= 2 things that make our life a whole lot easier!

UE Marketing Agency Presents
UE Social WiFi

Social before...?

It seems now a day that everyone appears to have a monopoly on terms and their definitions...but let's take a quick glance back for a minute...remember when social meant spend time with those you cared about...catching up on this or that...let's all meet...maybe this may be before you time oopsy!  I remember calling friends on the phone (which means land line) and coordinating who what when and where...

Social now...?

There are many definitions by the quote or unquote EXPERTS (I know I'm one of them...) out there and  if one veers off by a tiny fracture you could be spanked...but I simply think Social now is the place our connections gather online to share what is, what has been, and what is planned...a place of recording in the now...and we influence one another because we TRUST each other...

Hotspot before...?

This was a place not to sit because something polar opposite of cold had been placed (*smile)

Hotspot now...?

A place of gathering (WiFi) in a specific location.  An added benefit offered by the businesses you frequent...OR if your the business owner this is the gift you provide those who frequent your business.

Benefits of Social + Mobile

For the business owner

  1. Grow your customer database
  2. Create real relationships with your clients & customers 
  3. Robust Analytics (with our company of course)

For the client & customer

  1. Encrypted secure browsing
  2. No repeat sign in at your favorite free wifi location (that uses our hotspots)
  3. Social engagement through Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and Google+
The truth of the matters this...we all want to know before going to a place..."Do they have free WiFi?"  It determines if we will go and how long we are willing to stay...we want to eat where we can work and work where we can eat...We want to share our feelings with ease and quickly and not wait until we get back home when the point is neither valid anymore nor on our minds...the question I'd like to leave you with is this...where are some places you want to see free wifi that isn't already set up?  Place your answers in the comment section...

Share this post with 3 of your business friends...

UE Marketing Agency new offer is UE Social WiFi

The place to build relationships with your local customers and clients one connection at a time! 202.670.0734


Monday, October 21, 2013

What's up with MY Rep? Reputation MATTERS MORE?

"Ripley's Believe or Not!" 

There is much to say on this subject but who has time for all of that right?  So let's get to the this day and age of "I WANT TO BE AT THE TOP OF GOOGLE'S FIRST PAGE SEO FRENZY" (of which I can get caught up into as well so no judgment here) business owners can spend all of their time pushing every trick known to man to achieve this with the right marketing company behind them or beside them.  But if we don't pay attention to the environment our tools and techniques are sitting in we could very well miss the transition in the very system we are fighting so hard to reach the top in...

Just a few ticks ago...1st page of the great Google we all love and worship would mean you've arrived...and the masses would click if your keyword research rendered the solution to their precise problem posing as a search inquiry...but something happened...did you miss it?  SoCiAl MeDiA!!! Things like Facebook & Twitter, Foursquare so on and so forth brought a new thing into the mix...Nah! you say? 

Let's look further...mmhmm I say...

I know you have to get ready to go so I'll make the rest of this quick...Social Media added another part to the oh let us get on the first page of google prayers...

AND this secret sauce is FRIENDS!

YEs! My friend said he was here and my friend said she was we have no time in this post to talk about the impact of a family member saying I'm here or there on their newsfeed...OUr clients go together where each one teaches one by merely stating I'M HERE OR I WAS THERE WITH SO AND SO! 
This is what we think is best!
We move in packs...we go where our emotional connections go and we share those places with those we care about and encourage them to try it out...
So what does that lead to?  I know you think you are the it by ranking on the top of 1st page of almighty Google but friends going and coming is valued more than your rankings...then there is the last thing that seals the deal..


What did those friends say about your business, your location, your waitress, your valet, your lights, and wait time?  hmm...what did THEY SAY!  This matters most!  We all have to go I'll leave you with this you think first page ranking tops what those friends say to one another about YOUR PLACE OF BUSINESS, SERVICE, AMBIANCE?

Yes, Google is powerful but their thoughts about you shared between themselves and others through social media just might mean more...does this effect what we now search for?  Searching for what my friend said was good has changed the landscape a bit...

If they say...

I think its time we focus on REPUTATION...
Come back shortly for another post on this wonderful nuance...and/or write us


Feel free to comment below and share with your friends and business associates if this made sense to you at all! IF you need help with this subject write us at Until next time...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Mobile What's the Point?

Mobile Mobile Read All About It...But Why?

Your company or business has a few reasons to make it a point to go mobile...
  1. Mobile search differs from desktop search...
    1. statistics show mobile search has something that follows it and that thing is ACTION...most after searching will be on their way to your establishment if found...
  2. Device speed influences and has affected patience...
    1. Think for a second...lets include you for a you have the same patience you had when we were in the dial up world?  umm...tick tock I'll give you a second to be honest...NOOOOO....we want things quick when it comes to our what does this mean...
    2. We don't want to wait for a desktop page to load on our phones then start scrolled up, down, left, right.
  3. Convenience converts
    1. Click to call means we don't have to dial which in and of itself gives our already filled memory a break and that alone supports conversion...remember we are the business of solving the problem with our specialties...
    2. I can see your menu?  I'm on my way with a less time spent in your establishment because guess what?  I now know what I want due to choosing on the way in the car...
These are just a few...feel free to comment and ask questions...I look forward to connecting with you...