Monday, January 6, 2014

The Original Computer...Our Mind!

Happy New Year to You, your Family, and Business Teams!

The Original Computer...Our Mind...

Here we are again...can you believe it?  Another year and an opportunity to do and make it happen...for some its starting over, for others its pushing through, for a few its continuing and manifesting desired results...

The Greatest Computer of all times is YOUR MIND...

I know we are all connected to the internet, and mobile marketing, SMS text messaging marketing, business apps, smartphones, tablets and the like...(after all is my company's website....and I'm a proud lady app developer etc. etc. etc. but when I want to just deal with things and work through them I sit quietly and allow myself to be still and just listen to what my inner desires are telling me...I call it stripping to bear minimum to remember who we truly are.  I understand the to do list and the rush to completion which often in and of itself is a form of laziness through automation.  When I feel the need to do this I gift myself with the best keeper of the grail...

That's right pen & paper...this is where I allow my heart to speak about any and every issue the digital world has caused me to become clogged up due to processing and building automated systems...Returning to the way it was allows me to touch in and touch up...What is the good ole paper and pen good for?
  1. Ideas connected to my feelings- some times you can become so in grossed with getting things done that are in relation to completing the task at hand online or the project at hand through your tablets you forget to tap in on YOU...
  2. Flushing out ideas-  the feeling of hand to paper and pen gives your human operations a chance to flow...I love my macbook pro and HP Beats but I can't touch my writing on those devices...
What do you need to work out before the New Year really get's started?
  • Are there things that no longer serve your purpose that you can let go? Write it down...
  • Are you giving enough time to complete task at hand or can you afford to adjust it? Write that down...
  • What in the past year you spent time thinking about?  This year can it be implemented? Write it down...
  • Is there anything else?  Write it down! 
I know I have and will continue to do until I have it all worked out.  You are worth time and effort this year...Happy New Year to you and yours a courtesy could you be so kind as to help me with the goals I've written of which is to start a personal blog...go here and answer a few questions to assist me thank you in advanced...Take our PopSurvey! 

Find me & my companies on twitter @uec, @devinehealth, @jesuewalker, @walkinginward
Find me on FB jesuewalker uemarketing ultimate emergence devinehealth walkinginward